Haskell Typeclasses - Basics


In Haskell, typeclasses can be thought of as interfaces. There are programmer defined typeclasses and there are also the typeclasses defined in the Haskell base libraries[1] such as Eq, Show, and Read. Eq, Show, and Read are some of the fundamental typeclasses in Haskell. They are defined just like any other typeclass. The class definition of Eq for example[2] is:

class Eq a where
  (==) :: a -> a -> Bool

Any type that is an instance of the Eq typeclass has a (==) function that can be used to test the equality of two values of that type. For example, lets create an instance for a Vec2D type. Lets ask ourselves, “What does it mean for two 2D vectors to be equal?”:

-- Our type definition
data Vec2D = Vec2D { x :: Float, y :: Float }

-- Our Eq instance for Vec2D
instance Eq Vec2D where
  (==) :: Vec2D -> Vec2D -> Bool
  (==) (Vec2D x1 y1) (Vec x2 y2) = x1 == x2 && y1 == y2

Let’s take a look at our implementation of the Eq instance for Vec2D. First we pattern match on both Vec2D values and extract their x and y values. We then test the equality of the x and y values. If the x value of the first vector (x1) and the x value of the second vector (x2) are equal, and the y value of the first vector (y1) and the y value of the second vector (y2) are equal, then the two vectors are equal. This makes sense because vectors in two dimensions are equal to each other when the dimensions of the two vectors are equal. Note the type signature for (==) in the instance definition[3]. The polymorphic type a in the Eq typeclass definition has been “filled” in by the Vec2D type.

We could have implemented the Eq instance for Vec2D differently. For example:

-- Our Eq instance for Vec2D
instance Eq Vec2D where
  (==) :: Vec2D -> Vec2D -> Bool
  (==) (Vec2D x1 y1) (Vec x2 y2) = x1 == y2 && x2 == y1

We’ve defined the equality of two Vec2D values differently this time. This definition doesn’t really make sense though. There are usually many ways to implement an instance of a typeclass for any given type, but not all of them may be correct.

Let’s try to implement the add operation under a VecOps typeclass for values of type Vec2D.

class VectorOps a where
  add :: a -> a -> a
  sub :: a -> a -> a
  dot :: a -> a -> Float

Once again, lets think about what it means to add 2D vectors together:

instance VecOps Vec2D where
  add :: Vec2D -> Vec2D -> Vec2D
  add (Vec x1 y1) (Vec x2 y2) = Vec (x1 + x2) (y1 + y2)
  sub                         = undefined
  dot                         = undefined

Here, we pattern match on the two vectors passed into the function like last time. Then we construct a new Vec2D that has x1 + x2 as an x value, and y1 + y2 as a y value. We have successfully defined add for values of type Vec2D.

As an exercise, try to implement the rest of the VecOps methods for Vec2D or try to implement them for a Vec3D type with three dimensions.


[1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-

This is the actual definition. I just simplified it a bit.

[2] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/base

The base library for Haskell. I recommend looking through it if you like Haskell.

[3] Normally, type signatures are not allowed in instance definitions unless there is {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} at the top of the source file. I’m using the type signatures for educational purposes.